- If you want the very best, look no further. Pest care india offers the best Pest Control Services in
mumbai We use the best in class chemicals, duly approved by the Central Insecticides board for
getting rid of cockroach.
- We make sure these are used in the recommended dosages because your family’s health and safety is
our concern. Local pest control services often use non We make sure these are used in the
recommended dosages because your family’s health and safety is our concern. Local pest control
services often use non approved chemicals in dangerous doses, thus endangering your pets and
family. We only use Bayer Chemicals for best results and safety.
- Our technicians are highly skilled and very well trained because we know how important your home
and family are to you
- Choose pest care India services the best cockroach killer over conventional cockroach
control methods because we believe in eradicating the root of the problem, rather than just
eliminating the surface nuisances.
Treated areas should be avoided for touching until dry. In case of accidental touching not much to
worry, but wash the exposed skin with soap and water. The spray emulsions that we apply are the
most safe pesticides and been diluted to such extent that do not cause any ill effects. Also, these
aspects are properly explained by our Service Technicians in "Do's and Don'ts". Our chemicals do not
have residual effect hence are safe in such condition. We always advise our customers to listen
carefully to all Do's and Don'ts by our technicians.
Every pesticide requires that pets and people avoid treated surfaces until dry. This is the minimum
standard for all products. Once dry, the material will not be easily transferred to paws or human
No it will not. The gel / paste is only applied to areas where insects congregate or harbour, like
cracks, crevices or hinges
4)will I see cockroaches after the treatment ?
It takes up to 3 weeks for the gel to exterminate the population. Don’t use any other pesticides. If we
have applied roach baits, any contact with pesticide sprays or DIY roach killer use will ruin the bait. If
you still see roach activity after 2 weeks, you can call us to register a complaint.
Eliminate Cockroaches permanently
This can be done in 3 easy steps:
- For an effective cockroach control Firstly cut them off at the source by getting pest control done at 3
month interval round the year with no breaks.
- Secondly keep your surroundings and especially your kitchen clean and clutter-free. This is the
single best solution on how to get rid of cockroaches permanently while your cockroach pest control
safeguards your home.
- Lastly: Call in the Professionals and breathe easy!
Cockroaches: Did you know how scary they are?
- While you and your family sleep soundly at night, the deadly, disease-carrying cockroaches scurry
around in the warm, moist, dark environs of your home enjoying your hospitality, even in homes
that have cockroach pest control.
- All the leftovers, tiny amounts of delicious liquids in cans or bottles and all the crumbs (cakes,
cookies, French fries) make every night "Party Time" for the cockroaches, carrying bacteria that
cause dysentery, diarrhea and food poisoning on their bodies: they transmit these all over your
home, silently. Unless you get a good cockroach control service.
- They contaminate everything. They can live on newspapers.
- They can even hold their breath upto 40 minutes.
- Their powerful legs and strong wings help them escape rapidly.
- Their antenna draws them to food and drink. They cause terrible respiratory problems.
- Their droppings, skins, moulting and dead cockroaches lead to Asthma.
- Dead cockroaches are a sticky trap for other roaches to feed on.
- There are many, many Nymphs (cockroach babies) in each egg-case. They multiply rapidly and only
a proper professional treatment will eradicate the whole cockroach colony.
Don't DIY: Give professional a try
- Say no to Do-It- Yourself aka DIY cockroach pest control.. Many people in India have a casual hit or
miss approach to pest control and cockroach control. Part of the reason is that local pest controllers
are prevalent everywhere and seem to offer viable home roach control at pretty low prices.
- As the saying goes DIY cockroach control is being "Penny wise may be pound foolish" or in saving a
few rupees cockroach pest control you may be exposing your family to a lot of harm.
- our trained, skilled, background-verified professional technicians will use perfectly safe chemicals
cockroach control in just the right dosages so that kids, pets, pregnant women and allergy prone
people do not suffer serious problems.
- Not convinced about cockroach control service? Well, many–a time your local provider lacks
knowledge and over-doses your home with harmful chemicals. They also fail to provide safety
guidelines in the form of dos and don’ts. Is it not better to put precious lives into our professional
and safe hands? You know the answer!
Tips and Tricks for Roach Prevention
Here are some practical, easy steps to get rid of cockroaches and master cockroach control
- Eliminate food sources: Store dry foods in tightly- sealed container or in sealed plastic bags. Do not
leave food out on counters or kitchen surfaces. Don’t leave liquids in tins, cans, buckets or sinks.
- Clear Food Waste and Liquid Spillage: Easiest method for cockroach control is to clean up food
debris from food preparation areas from under sinks or from appliances like toasters, sandwich
makers or mixer-juicers, where cockroaches love to hide. Also, remove pet food trays and litter trays
at night.
- Empty the Rubbish Bin: Do this on a daily basis and keep garbage and compost in tightly-sealed bins
even in homes that have cockroach control service.
- Cans, bottles and plastics (whether soft drinks, beer, pickles, jam) should be rinsed and put for recycling.
- De-clutter old stacks of newspapers, magazines or cartons and all forms of clutter: cockroaches love
to colonize these places. They survive eating books and papers.
- Varnish and paint wood shelves, seal them; clean them.
- Carry out plumbing work and plug leakages.
- Seal Entry Points: holes in walls, around baseboards, in between cabinets, pipes, under doors and
windows, using copper mesh, cement, silicone caulk or steel wool