1. Treatment to top surface of plinth filling :
After the soil filling is completed in the plinth area and before the dry rubble packing, the
entire surface of the filled soil and the top surface of plinth wall/beam shall be treated with
the chemical emulsion at 5 litre per sq.m.
2. Treatment at junction of wall and floor :
Rodding shall be carried out along the junction of wall and soil filling at 1 mtr. Intervals
down up to 30 cm. emulsion shall be sprayed along the wall junction at 1 litre pre linear
metre so that it mixes thoroughly with the broken-up soil. The disturbed earth is then
tamped back in place.
3. Treatment of soil along external perimeter :
The soil around the external perimeter of the building up to a depth of 30 cm shall be
treated at 2.25 litres per linear meter of the plinth wall.
4. Treatment of soil surrounding pipes, wastes and conduits :
When pipes, wastes and conduits enter the soil inside the area of the foundation, the soil
surrounding the point of entry must be loosened around each such pipe, waste or conduit
for a distance of 15 cm and upto a depth of 7.5cm and loosened soil shall be treated with
chemical emulsion.
5. Chemical used:
1. Imidacloprid 30.5% SC- @ 2.1ml/liter of water.
2. Chlorpyriphos 20% EC- @ 50ml/liter of water.
Treatment for with basement Buildings
The treatment starts when the excavation is complete and before lying soiling and pcc.
1. Treatment to soil below raft :
After the soil filling is completed in the plinth area and before the dry rubble packing, the
entire surface of the filled soil and the top surface of plinth wall/beam shall be treated with
the chemical emulsion at 5 litre per sq.m.
2. Treatment to soil along the retaining wall:
The soil coming in contact with the retaining wall shall be treated at 5 litre per sq.m. the
treatment shall follow the backfilling is done in stages of 30 cms but not exceed a depth of 1
3. Treatment to soil along the external perimeter of the building:
The soil around the external perimeter of the building up to a depth of 30 cm shall be
treated at 2.25 litre per linear meter.
4. Treatment of soil surrounding pipes, wastes and conduits:
When pipes, wastes and conduits enter the soil inside the area of the foundation, the soil
surrounding the point of entry must be loosened around each such pipe, waste or conduit
for a distance of 15 cm and upto a depth of 7.5 cm and loosened soil shall be treated with
chemical emulsion.
5. Chemical used:
1. Imidacloprid 30.5% SC- @ 2.1ml/liter of water.
2. Chlorpyriphos 20% EC- @ 50ml/liter of water.
We ensure a 100% pest free environment.
Termite Control-Post ( SERVICES DETAILS )
The Treatment is done by drilling at wall & floor junction as required, filling the holes with
anti-termite chemical & sealing the holes with cement.