Mosquito Pest Control

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  • Mosquito Pest Control

Mosquitoes are infamous for spreading extremely dangerous diseases such as malaria, dengue, brain fever, cerebral malaria and filariasis. Having a mosquito infestation in your homes is an extremely dangerous situation and can be fatal for you and your family. Our primary goal is to keep homes and families safe from mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes lay eggs in flower vase, single drop of water, storage tank, underground tank, ground cement tank, solid waste (drums), and earthen pots. Responsible for dengue disease.

Females are capable of flying for miles and can lay over 100 eggs at a time. Larvae and pupae usually cannot survive without water.

Carbon dioxide is attractant to mosquitoes, and they can sense from more than 50 yards away.

A) Anopheles mosquito

  • Adult – pale and dark marks on its wings and resting 45-degree angle to the surface.
  • Larval rest parallel to surface of the water.
  • Egg is about 1mm long and has floats on its sides.
  • Habitat – prefer clean and unpolluted water.
  • Biting rhythm – bite at night and rest indoor and outdoor (depends on species).
  • Prefer darker colours.
  • Female with one blood meal can lay 50 – 150 eggs

B) Culex mosquitoes

  • Adult – thorax, legs and veins on the wings are always covered with brown scales.
  • Dull in colour.
  • The tip of the abdomen is always blunt.
  • Larval rest 45 degree from the surface of the water.
  • Egg is brown, long and cylindrical, vertical on water surface, cemented in a raft of 300 eggs.
  • Raft usually 3 – 4mm long and 2 – 3mm wide. Habitat – mainly breed in polluted stagnant water and drains. Biting rhythm – bite at night and usually rest indoor before and after the blood meal. Sometimes they may rest outdoor, Prefer darker colours. , Long distance fliers.
  • We providing thermal fogging in compound area & staircase spray service for mosquitoes

Diseases caused by different species of mosquito

  • Anopheles Stephensi - Malaria.
  • Culex - Filariasis,Japanese Encephalitis
  • Aedes - Chikun Guniya, Dengue

Fogging :

The fogging will be done by using fogger machine, the ultra low volume form chemical is used which is mixed in diesel. Fogging is done at the time of dusk hours as the frequency of mosquito high at that time.